

Reasons Pests Are Scary

When you are dealing with pests around your home there are some that you might want to be more cautious of. Not all pests are created equal. There are some that will bite and inject venom while others will suck your blood. Then you have pests that simply look frightening but don’t cause damage, disease or concern. Still most people don’t want to see them hanging around. The best way to control pests of any kind is to know what you might be dealing with!


Eagle Pest Services Lists Some Scary Pests Found Around Virginia

Camel Crickets: The camel cricket is in fact a cricket but it usually has a lighter coloring and has larger back legs than your standard cricket. They are a gross invader that is willing to come indoors to escape the cold weather. They are willing to feed on anything they can get close to. That will include other pests, food and even act cannibalistic and feed on each other. The thing that usually sets them apart from other crickets is that this species is not noisy. They are missing the organs that allow them to make that well known chirping sound. They can be treated by a pest control company.

American Pelecinid Wasps: The scariest thing about this particular pest is the look of it. The wasp is a long solid shiny black pest. They have a very long tail like protrusion that extends from their backend. The tail may look dangerous but it is not for stinging but to help the mom deposit her eggs. She sticks the tail into the ground to attach an egg to the back of the grub. They are not a real danger to anyone but they are still not a pest you want to see around.

Earwigs: The earwig is a pest that usually is hidden out of sight in the day time and come out at night. The earwig has a long skinny black or brown body and has a pair of pinchers on the back. They are happy to live in a warm and moist area such as a bathroom or basement. The tale around an earwig is that they used to crawl in the ear of a person and lay their eggs. That is not a true statement and have no reason to get in the ear of anyone. The earwig is very shy and would much rather be alone and hiding in a dark place.

Daddy Long Legs: Most people run in fear from daddy longlegs. They are thought to be the most poisonous pest around but that is not true. The fact is that the daddy long leg is a term that is used for several species and one of them is a spider. They are likely to come out at night and head towards the light. Their long legs make them seem scary to see flying around your home but they are not a danger to have around. The best way to keep them out is to keep screens closed and doors closed on warm nights.


If you are struggling with pests, give Eagle Pest Services a call to come out and treat your home!