

What Do Hacklemesh Weaver Spiders Look Like?

Your home can be roaming with more than one medium sized brown spider. You may come across a Hacklemesh Weaver Spider without even realizing it. These spiders, with their leg span, are about the diameter of a quarter with the females being slightly larger than the males. Primary colors are black, brown and tan. Overall the body is hairy and ranging in color from brownish-red to so dark they are appear nearly black. The legs are also hairy and might have faint black bands. They also have a chevron pattern that is lighter brown in color and may help you identify them over other house spiders. Hacklemesh spiders are often mistaken for brown recluse spiders but they lack the violin shape marking on their abdomen and fortunately not as venomous. They have adapted very well to living inside. In order for a population to get out of control, there will have to be high moisture levels with lots of places to hide and breed along with lots of food for them to eat, like bugs. Adults can be found all year long with males commonly roaming around in the spring.


Peventing & Removing Hacklemesh Spiders

Hacklemesh spiders will find damp locations to hide. You may find them under rocks, wood debris, leaf litter and bark. They create somewhat messy webs that are irregular and mesh-like which leads to their name. The webs are also tangled, lace-like and will extend out from their funnel-shaped retreat. They can create threads that have thousands of tiny loops. While the silk isn’t sticky, prey can easily become entangled in it and can’t get out. The efforts made to escape will cause vibrations in the web and send the spider rushing out to grab it. The best way to keep them out of your home is to make your home less inviting for them. Any plumbing problems will need to be addressed and if your home is on the humid side, you should consider getting a dehumidifier. After you have taken care of any sources of moisture, you’ll need to clean up. Get rid of clutter in your home as clutter sets up ideal places for them to hide, breed and lay eggs. If you happen to find any eggs or live spiders as you go about the task of cleaning, use your vacuum cleaner to suck them up and go outside to empty it. Always inspect your home for any opening or gaps they might use to get inside and seal them up. Insecticides are a quick way of killing them but can be dangerous. It’s best to contact a pest control company to do it for you. We have the training, experience and proper equipment to use insecticides the right way.


Spider Control

Spiders are beneficial as they eat other bugs, but many of us do not want them crawling inside our homes. Hacklemesh spiders aren’t aggressive, but just like any other spider, will bite if provoked. Their bite isn’t known to be dangerous, but like most spiders, a bite can be painful. Even though they aren’t dangerous, they can be a pest nonetheless and if you’re scared of spiders, you’ll will want them gone. Take the right steps to keep them out of your home and contact Eagle Pest Services for fast results if you’re having issues with spiders or other pests.