

Yellow Jacket Identification

Summer time is when the yellow jackets are out terrorizing the masses.  Eagle Pest Control would like to relate some basic information to help keep you safe and aware of what yellow jackets are capable of. Out of the many species of wasps found in the U.S. yellow jackets are the most aggressive of them.  Resembling bees with their bodies colored in traditional warning colors; black and yellow and white black, the major differences in characteristics is that yellow jackets grow up to 1” length, have slender abdomens and fold their wings lengthwise when at rest.  

Yellow Jacket Stings

Considered beneficial as they control the population of a variety of insects and other arthropods that they prey on, yellow jackets help protect crops and gardens from these threats.  However, in addition to their foraging of other pests, yellow jackets are known to invade picnics, BBQs, and trash cans to help themselves on foods such as sweets and meats that are leftover from human preparations. With their aggressive behavior, yellow jackets will deliver multiple painful stings to any perceived threat   Not only are their stings quite painful, but depending on the severity of allergic reactions, people can experience a number of symptoms.

Yellow Jacket Nests

Living socially, a yellow jackets colony only remains active for a single summer, after which any young queens fly away to start new colonies. The nest is abandoned and the original queen dies at the end of the season.  Before then, thousands of workers can be produced in a single year.   Most frequently, their nests can be found in aerial locations, but can be near the ground too, depending the species.   Their aggression usually shows in defense to their nest and they will continue the assault until they feel the threat is neutralized.   Experts strongly recommend staying clear of the warning hums of yellow jackets swarming the nest.

Benefits of Professional Yellow Jackets & Nest Removal

The removal of a yellow jackets nest can be challenging if you should find one on your commercial or residential grounds; due to their violent behavior and potential harm, we strongly encourage you to contact a professional for yellow jacket removal services to ensure your safety and the safety of others.  A professional is armed with training, experience, and knowledge, along with proper protective gear and equipment.  Understanding the yellow jackets biology, habits, and behavior will make their removal far more efficient.  Professional yellow jacket removal has plenty advantages and benefits, below you will find just some of those examples.
Safety in Stinging Insect Removal – Professionals are geared up to protect themselves from the unmerciful stings that yellow jackets deliver when provoked.  With advanced training, the professionalexterminator can also ensure the safety of others with applying proper protocol.
Cost Effective – More often than not, buying multiple yellow jacket control products are ineffective, as well as ensuring preventative measures are in place.  The initial cost of a professional service is more efficient, with guaranteed services.
Work is Guaranteed – Professionals depend on return business and referrals. After a yellow jacket removal service, we will place preventative products to avoid future infestations as well as ensuring their work is thorough from the start.
Professional Expertise for Efficient Removal - Specialists are better equipped for removal of yellow jackets. With all the attributes required to execute efficient removal, you can have peace of mind the yellow jackets are completely cleared from the premises.  
Safer Chemical Application for People & Pets – Unlike the certainty of department store sprays and products, professionals use eco-friendly products; keeping your family safe from any chemical exposure, but still strong enough to remove the yellow jackets.
If you have a yellow jacket infestation on your commercial or residential property in Warrenton, Virginia and surrounding areas, contact Eagle Pest Control today and let our skilled technicians help you today!