

Is it Mosquito Season Already?

Mosquitoes are a common enemy of those seeking outdoor activities during the spring and summer. In Virginia, mosquito season officially started in early April and is just going to keep getting worse as the weather warms up. It seems like mosquitoes always come too early and stay too late in the season.  If you are tired of this pest ruining your BBQs, Eagle Pest Services is here to talk about some preventative measures you can take to get ready for mosquito season and talk about what the nature of mosquitoes is from season to season.


Not All Mosquitoes Hibernate

You probably noticed that you don’t have to worry about mosquitoes when colder temperatures hit. This is because some species hibernate, but not all of them. Some species will lay eggs in the early fall that will not hatch until the weather hits about 50 degrees Fahrenheit in the spring months. At this time, you will start to see this annoying pest emerge from their winter slumber or hatch from their watery incubators.


Mosquito Season Starts & Ends at Different Times Across the Country

If you live in a balmy place like Hawaii or Florida, you may have to deal with the annoyance of mosquitoes all year long. As mentioned above, for us Virginia residents, you can plan on mosquitoes coming to life around early April. This may seem too soon for those of us like to spend a lot of time outside. The earlier your mosquito season starts, usually, the longer it lasts into fall. Sometimes you forget that you need to prepare for mosquito season until you notice them in your backyard. This is definitely not ideal. Mosquitoes breed at an alarming rate and when you wait to prepare for their season, the population has already hit new heights. Taking some time to prepare for this pest will serve you well all summer long.


How to Prevent Mosquitoes

Luckily, there are steps homeowners can take to go a long way in preventing mosquitoes from taking over their property.

  • Remove Standing Water Sources- If you look around your property, chances are that there are several items that collect water. You will want to be sure there are no old tires, buckets wheel barrows and other items that could collect standing water in them.
  • Clean Your Gutters- Without cleaning your gutters, leaves and other debris will accumulate in them and not allow water to flow freely. Without free flowing water, you will get pools of water that will be the perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes.
  • Fill in Low-Lying Areas of Your Lawn- If there are areas that are shallow in your lawn, filling them in will not allow water to accumulate in them during a storm or when the sprinklers get left on.
  • Treat Pools & Ponds- If you have pools or bird baths in your yard, make sure the water is treated so mosquitoes don’t try to lay their eggs in them.

Mosquito Control

If you start to notice a mosquito problem on your property, the pest experts at Eagle Pest Services can help you eliminate the problem. You don’t want to spend the summer battleing this invasive pest. Call us today!