

Are Cockroaches Harmful to Health?

Evidence suggests that cockroaches have been around for over 300 million years. They are extremely adaptable and can breed at a rate of up to six generations each year! The German cockroach is the most common species of cockroach and one of the most common species of cockroach found in homes, apartments, hotels and restaurants. They are found throughout the United States and are responsible for outbreaks of illness and allergic reactions in many people. Food poisoning, diarrhea, dysentery and other diseases can be transmitted by German cockroaches. The reactions that occur from German cockroach allergens can make asthma attacks even worse. Allergic responses include skin rashes, watery eyes and sneezing, congestion of nasal passages and asthma.


German Cockroach Identfication

German cockroaches are light brown to tan in color. They have parallel stripes on their backs that are located just behind their heads. They are oval-shaped and can measure ½” to 5/8” in size. They do have wings but don’t fly. Their wide flat bodies that allow them to move in and out of cracks and narrow openings easily. They can get through an opening as small as 3/8 inch wide. Cockroaches prefer to live in warm, humid places that are close to food and moisture. This makes kitchen and bathrooms the areas you will see them most often. German roaches are scavengers and will eat almost anything they come across. They are fond of sweets, starches, meat products and grease with garbage being their main food source. Roaches pick up germs in the spines of their legs and bodies. They then crawl all over decaying matter and make their way over your food preparation areas and other surfaces of your home. German cockroaches are active at night when they look for food, water and mates. If you have a heavy population of cockroaches in your home you’re more likely to see them during the day. You may also see them during the day of there’s a lack of food or water or pest control treatments have been applied.


German Cockroach Prevention

German cockroaches produce odorous secretions that not only smell, they can affect the way your food tastes. The stronger the odor, the higher number of cockroaches you have infesting your home. You may notice droppings and fecal matter too. If you see one in your home, you need to take all possible safeguard measures to get rid of them. Keep your home as clean and as dry as possible. If you leave them without anything to eat and don’t provide them with a comfortable environment, they won’t have a reason to stay. German cockroaches are very hard to control because they produce more eggs per capsule than other cockroaches. They also undergo the shortest time between hatching and maturity so they have very high rates of reproduction. German cockroaches are smaller than other cockroaches, making it easy for them to hide and makes it harder for pesticides to reach them.


Control of German Cockroaches

Sometimes it won’t matter how hard you try and avoid roaches, your attempts may fail and if they decide to settle down in your home or apartment, know that they are planning to stay for a long time. You need professional help if you’re dealing with German cockroaches because they are so resilient. Contact Eagle Pest Services as soon as you suspect you might have a problem.