

What Do Wolf Spiders Look Like?

Wolf spiders are one of the largest spiders in Virginia and the way they look and move can make anyone feel uneasy. They are hairy and can get as big as ¼ of an inch to over an inch in size. They have patterns of black, gray and browns with a Union Jack impression on their back. They are nocturnal and stalk their prey much like wolves do which is why they’re called wolf spiders. They are fast moving which makes them even more scary. They have eight eyes arranged in three rows with excellent night vision and can be easily seen at night because their eyes will shine. While many spiders trap their prey in webs, wolf spiders will violently hunt their prey down and use their strong bodies and keen eyesight. Wolf spider eggs will hatch in the spring and the spiderlings will climb on their mother’s back and stay with her all summer, fall, winter and leave her the following spring to be on their own.


Wolf Spider Bites

Our natural instinct is to assume that a spider is poisonous if it looks scary. Wolf spiders aren’t poisonous but do have some venom stored in case they need to attack. The venom needs to be injected into the body to cause you any harm. It’s very rare to get bitten by a wolf spider unless it feels provoked or scared. If you happen to get bitten, the area around the bite will get inflamed. This is normal because it’s the body’s way of reacting. Other symptoms include nausea, quick pulse, feeling dizzy or death of the tissue around the bite. These side effects can last for several days. It’s best to have a doctor take a look to determine the severity of the bite and have it treated because everyone reacts differently to venom.


Wolf Spider Infestation Prevention

No one wants to see a large, hairy spider quickly moving across their floor, but spiders always seem to find their way into our homes no matter what we do. Sealed windows and doors don’t always keep them out. Their large size and menacing appearance have us fear them.  You can clear your yard of clutter they will use to hide as well as seal any openings into your home. Install screens over vents and crawl spaces along the foundation of your home and try to limit the amount of outdoor light you use because these lights attract the insects that wolf spiders like to hunt.


Wolf Spider Control

If you come upon a wolf spider, chances are it’s just passing through, so the best course of action is to leave it alone, but if it’s in your home you’ll want to get rid of it—carefully! If it’s a female, she’ll have her spiderlings on her back and it’s best to make sure she doesn’t take up residence in your home. Call pest control specialists to do this for you because trying to kill her will send spiderlings everywhere. Contact Eagle Pest Services if you find yourself dealing with wolf spiders. We can create a barrier around the perimeter of your home to keep wolf spiders and other pests out.