

Four Most Common Ticks Found in the Metro D.C. Area

When you live in a heavily wooded area like Virginia, ticks are always a concern. Not only do they creep around looking for their next blood meal, they carry a variety of diseases that could have a lasting effect on your health. There are more than one species commonly found in Maryland and Virginia, and each of them carry different diseases. Eagle Pest Services is here to talk about the four common ticks found in Virginia and the diseases that they can possible transmit through their bite.

Brown Dog Tick - The brown dog tick is found in Virginia, but it happens to be a tick species that isn’t known to carry any life threatening diseases. You still don’t want to find this tick anywhere on yourself or any of your animals.

Lone Star Tick & American Dog Tick - The lone star tick and the American dog tick are both found near the Blue Ridge Mountains and are known to carry Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.

Deer Tick - Found in Northern and Eastern parts of Virginia, the deer tick is one you want to be sure to steer clear of. This is the tick known to carry Lyme Disease.

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Transmission & Symptoms

Rocky Mountains Spotted Fever is a horrible disease. The tick has to be attached to your body, feeding, for 4-6 hours before you can contract this illness. You will likely notice these symptoms:






-& Other flu-like symptoms

On the third day of these symptoms, you will notice a rash start to develop around your wrists and ankles. It can even spread, covering most of the hand and foot. Luckily, if you are seen by a physician as soon as possible, there are antibiotics that are very successful in treating the illness. You can expect to see these symptoms show up 2-12 days after getting bitten.

Lyme Disease

When you have been infected with Lyme disease you will notice the trademark bullseye rash that comes with it. More than 70% of people have this classic symptom. The tick needs to be attached for 36 hours to transmit this disease; which is why it is so important to do tick checks as soon as you can and take a shower to remove any that could be attached. Most people experience flu-like symptoms, but a key symptom includes a stiff, sore neck. There may be permanent damage like arthritis or nervous system complications if you aren’t treated right away.

Tick Control

Because of the seriousness of the illnesses transmitted by ticks, it is important that you take precautions when you know there could be ticks in your area. Wearing the appropriate clothing as well as tick repellent can go a long way in tick prevention. Doing a thorough check and showering as soon as you can upon arriving at home will help you in identifying whether or not there is a tick somewhere on your body. If you are having problems with ticks on your property, Eagle Pest Services can assist you in getting rid of them. Call us today!