

Fear of Spiders

Have you ever wondered why so many people are scared of spiders? It seems as if you took a consensus on what pest people fear most, spiders would top the list. Their creepy crawly looks and stigmatism that follows them around is enough to cause some panic. There are movies that go into the fear of spiders, which is called arachnophobia, and feed on the scariness that surrounds them. People are under the assumption that spiders are dangerous to have in your home and could attack you at any given moment. The fear surrounding them could be because they are always talked about. Is there any real reason to be scared of spiders more so than any other type of pest?


Eagle Pest Services Lists Reasons Spiders Don’t Need to Be Feared

Are Spiders Poisonous Or Venomous?: When you think about spiders one of the common fears that come up is the fact that they are poisonous or venomous. The first problem is that a spider is not poisonous because poison and venom are not the same thing. Poison is something that can interact with a person simply by touching the item that has a poisonous toxin. The poison can be touched, eaten and even smelled for it to affect someone. Spiders are not poisonous but in fact they have venom. Venom has to be injected into a person usually with a sting or bite. Spiders have fangs that they will use to inject the venomous toxin. The venom that most spiders have is low enough that it can not cause any major health concerns for a person. The venom is what the spiders use when they catch their dinner and need to subdue it. Unless you are the size of a cricket or cockroach you don’t need to worry.

Aren’t Spiders Aggressive?: Another reason that people seem to be scared of spiders is they assume they are aggressive. They think that if there is a spider, it is lurking in a corner waiting for you to walk by so it can bite. That is just not the truth because spiders are very docile and will do what they can to stay away. They hide in corners and out of the way of normal traffic so not to come across a danger. When a spider sees you come by they will hide and seek cover. When someone has been bitten by a spider it is often because they are scared or they are not able to get out of the way of danger. They may bite when you try and put your shoe on and a spider is hiding there.

What Are Spiders Good For?: Every pest is part of the ecosystem and they are needed for one reason or another. When it comes to spiders they have an added benefit for you as a homeowner. They will feed on the other pests that might be walking around your home. They are able to get pests stuck in their webs or in their burrow and eat them as a meal.


Spider Control

Even though most species of spiders are harmless, it can be difficult to tell a venomous spider from a non-venomous one.

Eagle Pest Services offers professional pest control to treat for spiders and other pests. Contact us today!