

How to Control Cluster Flies this Fall

It seems like there are seasons that you notice one pest more than another. During the fall, you may notice that you have more flies buzzing in and out of your home. As the temperature starts to cool off, they are trying to find a warm place to live as well. Eagle Pest Services is here to share some tips to help you control and keep cluster flies away from your home this fall.


Cluster Fly Behavior in the Fall

Cluster flies are commonly seen in large groups during the fall season each year. Because they are trying to find somewhere warm to survive the winter, you will notice them in sunny areas. They will usually try to infest homes on the south or west sides. Once they find an area that suits their needs, they tend to continue to occupy that place year after year.


Close Entry Points to Prevent Cluster Fly Infestations

The best way to avoid cluster fly infestations is to close any entry points that may be present on your home. You should check for any small openings. Cluster flies can make their way into your home through an opening even as small as a crack. Checking your screens on the doors and windows is essential in preventing cluster flies. They may also gain access into your home through small cracks in the eaves. Often, cluster flies congregate in walls, attics, and basements waiting for spring to emerge which is when they begin a new life cycle.


Damage & Odor of Cluster Flies

While cluster flies aren’t considered a huge risk to your health, they are still filthy. If you have notice black specks left behind on walls and window sills, these are most likely the feces of cluster flies left behind. One problem with cluster flies, is the fact that when they gather in large numbers, you may notice they carry with them a foul smell. When the group is disturbed or even crushed to kill, you may notice the strong smell they leave behind.


Controlling Cluster Flies

Cluster flies don’t pose a large health risk or cause structural damage but they do leave behind unsightly droppings that attract other more dangerous pests. If you find cluster flies early enough, you may be able to take care of the problem on your own. For those of you in the midst of a full blow infestation; it's best to get help from the professionals at Eagle Pest Services. They can be difficult to treat because they usually congregate in between walls and other void spaces in your home. The experts at Eagle Pest Services have the training as well as the resources needed to get rid of cluster fly infestations safely and efficiently. Our pest control methods are safe for your family and won’t harm or weaken the structure of your home in any way. Call us today for more information on our pest control services.