

Facts About Bed Bug Infestations

Bed bugs are nocturnal insects that solely feed on warm-blooded hosts, favoring human blood.  Being very adaptable, these transient insects are found nearly anywhere; being more concentrated around developed areas.   Bed bugs are small, measuring up to about the size of an apple seed as an adult. They have grayish brown, flat oval-shaped bodies, which after feeding look engorged and redder.  They were named bed bugs because they would commit their criminal acts, stealing your blood as you slept and often before dawn, returning to their hiding places.  When their numbers are small, they generally stick to hiding in the nooks and crannies of your bed but they will hide where they can in the bedroom, sticking close to the meal source. 


How Do You Get Bed Bugs in the First Place?

More often than not, bed bugs are introduced to homes after the occupants returned from traveling or visiting highly public areas.  Lodging establishments are a prime example, but they can be found anywhere the public goes; medical offices, medical facilities, theaters, planes, trains, taxi, and so on.  Considering the vast possibilities, it is easy to bring home a bed bug or more without realizing it, which is why we at Eagle Pest Services would like to share the warning signs your home has bed bugs.


How to Tell if You Have Bed Bugs

1) Red & Brown Stains on Sheets & Bedding.  The physical evidence in your bed is the obvious signs of bed bugs.  After the bed bugs have finished eating, their bites will leak small drops of blood and you can see the small rustic blood drop stains on the sheets.  Brown molten skin of their oval exoskeletons is shed during each stage of their lifecycles; the shed skin can be found in your bed or other places they are hiding. Also found in the sheets or paths they traverse is small rusty looking particles, or their poop, they leave behind.

2) Musky Odor.  Very similar to the musky odors of a wet towel or locker room, bed bugs release pheromones that have very unpleasant and distinct odors. The larger the population the more potent the smell will be.

3) Sleepless Nights. Because bed bugs are nocturnal and feed on people while they sleep, though the bite itself isn’t painful, their presence and feeding habits often leave their host having frequent sleepless nights.

4) Bed Bug Bites. Not usually raised, bed bug bites will remain level with the skin but look like red blotches.  Depending on the skin’s sensitivity, these bed bug bites can itch mildly to severe or not at all. In addition to the annoying itchy sensations, some people may experience varying degrees of allergic reactions to the fluid they inject to keep the blood flowing. Where these symptoms can be a nuisance, their bites are not linked to any diseases or viruses at this time. As opposed to mosquito bites that are sporadically found on the body, bed bug bites tend to be more in a line and on exposed skin; often the arms and shoulders. Generally, if bite marks are found around the ankles, the likely culprit is either fleas or chiggers.


How to Check for Bed Bugs

If any of these red flags apply, use a magnify glass to easily spot them. Search the bed first after stripping off the bedding.  Look in the seams of the mattress on all four sides and top and bottom as well as the box spring. Also inspect the bed frame and head board.  From there, look through nearby furnishings and electronics, behind baseboards, picture frames, outlet covers, hung clothing and shoes.  Bed bugs will hide anywhere and everywhere so it pays to perform a detailed search.


Bed Bug Inspections & Removal

Whether or not you find them, if you still see a lot of the signs your home has bed bugs, call in the experts of Eagle Pest Services for a comprehensive bed bug inspection.  Our trained experts can detect any bed bugs and present optimal solutions if any are discovered. Contact us today!