

Daddy Long Leg Facts

Have you been sitting around only to look up and notice a large pest on the wall. Does it have long spindly legs and fly when you get too close? You might be looking at a daddy long legs which is what most people call them. In fact they are actually called a harvestman. There is some debate about what they are and if they are in any way a danger to you or your family. There is a lot of research about these pests and some of the answers might surprise you.


Eagle Pest Services Explains What Daddy Long Legs Are & Where They Live

What Are Daddy Long Legs: When it comes to daddy long legs there are many people that think they are just a giant spider. Well the great news is that they are not. The bad news is that they are an arachnid. They are in the same classification of a spider but they are more closely related to a scorpion. They have eight long spindly legs that give them their common name. They only have one set of eyes where as a spider typically has four sets. They also only have a single body that is fused together which again is different to a spider. Spiders are mostly known for their venomous bite! Daddy long legs also have a set of fangs that they can use but unlike the spider they do not inject any venom at all. They also do not make silk which spiders use for their protection and homemaking.

Daddy Long Legs Look Like Cellar Spiders & Crane Flies: When you are talking about a daddy long legs some people might think that is what they are seeing when in fact there are several pests that closely resemble them. The cellar spider and the crane fly are two other pests that people think are a daddy long leg but are their very own pest all together. They each have unique characteristics that set them apart and distinguish them.

Why Are There So Many Daddy Long Legs in My House & Yard?: The interesting thing is that they have been around for a really, really long time. Fossils have been found which appear to look like the same type and species of daddy long legs that you see in your living room even today. They also are found in many locations all over the world. They enjoy being in areas that have leaf litter that is covering the ground. The moisture from humidity can be a draw to them as well. Their quiet and docile nature leaves them overlooked in nature and you might pass one by without even knowing it. They also like to hang out in groups that when disturbed will disperse in all directions which makes for quite a spectacle.


Spider & Arachnid Control

Daddy long legs aren't venomous. They are actually considered beneficial insects that don’t damage buildings or plants. However, they can be unsettling with their long legs and awkward movements. And there are other arachnids found in Virginia that do pose a health risk such as black widow spiders and brown recluses. Contact Eagle Pest Services for all your pest control needs!