

Busting Bed Bug Myths

There are myths floating around any industry, especially when it comes to pests.   Though volumes of books could be written to explain the myths that are simply not true concerning the many pests we have, we at Eagle Pest Services would like to explain the facts concerning a handful of the most common myths regarding bed bugs. 

Interesting Bed Bug Facts & Myths

Myth #1 Bed bugs only bite at night.
Bed bugs are nocturnal insects.  However, if they are deprived of their food source they will look for a meal at any time of a day so keeping the light on will not hinder their feeding ritual.
Myth #2 Bed bugs are only found on your mattress.  
When few in numbers, bed bugs prefer sticking close to their host, often staying on the mattress, box spring, and bed frame. But when their population increases, they will spread further out and they will hide anywhere they can including in common places like alarm clocks, computer keyboards, picture frames, behind light switch plates, outlets, wallpaper and baseboards, as well as surrounding furniture.
Myth #3 Bedbugs only live in dirty environments.
Bed bugs do not discriminate their living conditions and can be found in the filthiest of homes down to the most immaculate of homes. Keep in mind, the more clutter available, the more places they and other pests have to nest.
Myth #4 Bed bugs can jump and fly.
Bed bugs do not have wings; leaving flying not an option for mobility, but bedbugs can crawl over three feet a minute.
Myth #5 Bed bugs reproduce fast.
Bed bugs are slow to reproduce, especially in comparison to other insects. A common housefly will lay up to 500 eggs within 3-4 days where as a bedbug female only averages 1 egg per day. Hatching from an egg after about 10 days, it takes 5-6 weeks for a hatchling to reach adulthood.
Myth #6 Bed bugs can live a year without eating blood.
Though there is ongoing debate among scientists, research suggests that bed bugs can only live for a short time without a blood meal and that is if they are living in consistent normal room temperature environments. Their odds at surviving a year without food increase as the bed bug’s metabolism will slow down in chillier climates and being cold-blooded.
Myth #7 Bed bugs only use our bodies to spread to new locations.
Bed bugs are not like ticks, fleas, or even lice and do not stick on skin or hide in hair. They are even are unlikely to be lurking in the lining of your clothes you are wearing as they avoid too warm. When people carry bedbugs home it is generally in backpacks, luggage, shoes and other such items they chose to hide in.
Myth #8 DDT is the best treatment for bed bugs.
Banned in 1972, this controversial pesticide has lost its effect as bed bugs have built an immune to the chemical.   
Myth #9 Bed bugs can be effectively eliminated with any pest spray.
The most effective bed bug treatments include fumigation and heat treatments. Because of their resistance to poisons, bed bugs cannot be killed by department pesticides and chemical agents.
Myth #10 Bed bugs can affect your health.
Bed bugs do not spread diseases, but they can lead to sleepless nights because of the discomfort of the bite, the potential infection from scratching the bites, and some have allergic reactions to the fluid they inject during the bite and the chemical pheromone antihistamines they use to communicate with one another.

Bed Bug Inspection & Removal

If you suspect bed bugs in your home, call in the experts of Eagle Pest Services and our experts will perform a comprehensive bed bug inspection to determine their existence and the best course of action to exterminate them.