

What is Biting Me & Leaving Marks?

Do Cockroaches, Ants, Silverfish, Spiders & Millipedes Bite? When you talk about pests most people are worried about them just being in their home. Why are they worried? Most people just don’t want to have a pest coming near them but there are some pests that can and will bite and that is a bigger concern. Pests generally want to stay away from people and will run off if they see someone coming. They are scared of people and will what they can to stay away. But there are times that a pest will come in your home and will get too close to comfort. That means that if you have a biting pest the odds are likely they will bite during these opportune times.


Eagle Pest Services Lists Common Pests & If You Need To Worry About Them Biting

Do Cockroaches Bite?: When it comes to cockroaches they can bite but the odds are extremely more likely that they would not. A cockroach has the ability to bite a person but they won’t use it unless there is a shortage of food. There has been some documented cases of major infestations where the food source has been low enough to send the cockroach trying to feed on human skin and nails. The cockroach is very mild mannered and will go scurrying away before they would attempt to bite a person. The concern with cockroaches is that they spread disease and bacteria. They are covered in pathogens and bacteria that they pick up from food and garbage.

Do Ants Bite Or Sting?: This is a trick question because ants can actually bite as well as sting depending on the species. Most of the ants you will find around your home will bite which can cause a serious irritation and itching. The fire ant is one of the ants that will bite but also have a stinger that will inject venom if they choose to sting you. The problem with an ant infestation is the amount of ants that will infest an area because they usually live in large colonies. There are also some ants like the carpenter ant that will cause some serious damage to your home by chewing through structural wood beams. The damage could be severe enough that you need pest control and home repairs as well.

Do Silverfish Bite: Silverfish do not bite and they don’t even transfer any disease or bacteria. However, they are still a nuisance pest. They have been known to cause some problems by damaging books and clothes but if they see you coming they are sure to be running for cover. Silverfish need to be treated by a pest control company to keep them out of your home.

Do Spiders Bite: Yes spiders do bite. They don’t bite as a way to feed on a person for a meal but rather as a defense mechanism. They bite when they are under pressure or feel cornered which is usually when someone is about to step on and get too close to one. They have fangs that can inject venom into the person that is unlucky enough to be bitten.


Professional Pest Management

If you are dealing with any of the above mentioned pests or any others; call Eagle Pest Services right away for a thorough inspection and customized treatment plan.