

How to Keep Flies Out of your Home

With the temperatures warming up, you can expect more and more pests. One major pest that seems to evade all our preventative measurements are house flies. The common house fly will seek every opportunity to fly right into our homes. Regardless of the species of fly you might have buzzing around your yard, they will eventually get into your home where they are not only a nuisance but could spread diseases. Eagle Pest Services has a few tips to help you reduce the chances of flies entering into your residence.

What Attracts Flies?

All flies are drawn to dirt, moisture, decaying items, and garbage. Although composting is great for your garden, it is also a major draw for flies. That is why you will want to have your composting area as far away from your home as possible. Additionally, your garbage or trash cans should also be placed away from all doors and windows outside of your home. Find what may draw the fly to your home and yard and clean it up, keep it away, or get rid of it as the first step to fly prevention. For those with dogs or any other pet that uses your backyard for their bathroom, clean it up daily to prevent flies from laying their eggs and spawning more flies.

Prevent the Entry of Flies Into Your House

Flies enter in through cracks in doorways, windows and even the garage. You will want to examine your home for any gaps that flies could crawl or fly through. Also make sure your screens on your windows are sealed properly so that no pest can come through.   

Keep Your Home & Propery Clean to Prevent Fly Infestations

Both the inside and outside of your home should be kept clean and free of odorous items that lure flies. Make sure to remove all discarded food and that your food within your home isn’t left out. Seal it in airtight containers. Many homeowners like to keep out a fruit bowl for easy and healthy snacking. However this is a mistake. Flies are keen on fruits and sweet snacks. It is best to keep your fruit covered where flies or any other pest can’t reach them. Dishes should at least be rinsed after use, if not washed or placed in the dishwasher. Many times ants and flies will swarm a dirty sink.

Plants & Other Natural Fly Repellants

There are natural ways to also repel flies. Most fly species don’t like and almost can’t tolerate certain smells or scents. The use of oils or even plants such as basil and lavender are known to repel flies. Eucalyptus or mint are also well known plants that help repel flies along with many other pests. Another trick that can help ward of flies in small areas like around doorways or entry points in your home is two hang a sandwich bag full of water and a few pennies. Some say it will mess with the fly’s vision, making them feel threatened and naturally make them flee.

Indoor Fly Control

For those that still suffer from constant fly intrusion, you can use sticky traps or night lamps to kill the flies in or outside of your home. Hang or place these traps in the areas with high fly activity, such as around trash cans, kitchens, and around windows or doorways to help capture and kill the flies. There are lamps you can hang outside of your home that can help kill flies although they are mostly designed for mosquitoes. Nonetheless, they will also help kill the flies. Eagle Pest Services hopes we were able to aid you in your battle against flies. For those who find they might need some extra help, contact Eagle Pest Services. We can aid you in all your pest control needs.