

Ticks Bite Humans & Pets Spreading Dangerous Diseases

Ticks are known to have nasty bites and carry several types of diseases. They don’t just pose a threat to people but can also threaten our pets. Knowing how to protect yourself and your pet from ticks and what diseases they may carry is greatly beneficial for those who live in areas that have ticks. Eagle Pest Services will share more about the ticks that are found in Virginia and how you can safeguard your home, families and pets.


Tick Prevention; How to Avoid Ticks When Hiking, Working Outside in Yard Etc

Ticks are most active during warm moist seasons which are spring to early summer. For those who plan activities, or work in the outdoors, you will want to protect yourself by preventing the chances of being bit by ticks. To help protect or prevent tick bites, wear light colored clothing and long sleeve shirts and pants. You my even want to tuck you pants in your socks and wear boots. Light colored clothing doesn’t actually stop ticks; it just makes them easier to see if they get on you. While you’re outside you may want to periodically check for ticks. It is also suggested you use insect repellant that contains “DEET” to repel ticks on both your body and your clothes.


Check for Ticks on Humans & Dogs After Being Outside

After you’re done and return home from your outdoor activities, it is strongly suggested you shower or bathe shortly after arriving home. No longer than two hours should pass before you bathe or shower. Inspect your body and hair for ticks as well as you clothing to make sure you didn’t bring any ticks home with you. To make sure that there are no ticks on your clothing you can wash or just dry them in high heat to kill any unknown passenger. As you examine your pets if they were with you, make sure there are no ticks on their body.  Pets are often victims of ticks. Make sure you regularly inspect you outdoor pets for ticks and remove them quickly when discovered. Ticks are removed the same way for pets as for people. If your pets seem lethargic, you may want your vet to examine them to makes sure they have not been infected with any diseases.


Tick Bites; Symptoms of Lyme Disease & Other Illnesses

If in the event a tick was found and has already bitten or burrowed their head into your skin to begin feeding, properly remove the tick first by acquiring a sturdy pair of tweezers. Grip the tick as close to the skin as possible with the tweezers. Use a firm grip, but do not crush or tear the tick as leaving its head inside the skin can be bad. Pull straight up to remove the tick. It is wise to save the tick to identify which kind has bitten you. You can use a sealable zip-lock bag or any other sealable container with regular rubbing alcohol to store the tick. Make sure you wash your hands and the bite with an antiseptic. If a rash appears you should contact your doctor. Ticks are known to carry Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and Ehrlichiosis--all of which often share headaches, fever, muscle pain, rashes and fatigue. Depending on the disease they may have other symptoms such as vomiting which may also follow within 30 days of being bitten. If any of these symptoms arise you should seek medical aid quickly.


Yard Protection for Ticks

With ticks in season all year around, but especially in the height of spring when they become most active, you want to protect you and your loved one from these potentially harmful pests. If you need more advice or better protection for your home, Eagle Pest Services can help. Contact us today.