

Firebrats & Silverfish Difference

Firebrats are small insects similar to silverfish. They are also known as bristletails, and are one of the most primitive insects. They are so primitive that they are completely wingless. They are generally between 3/8 and a ½ inch long and come in a variety of shades and mottled gray with darker bands of scales running across their strangely undulating bodies while the related silverfish is, as you would expect, silver.


Behaviors & Habitats of Firebrats

Firebrats prefer higher temperatures and require some humidity. They can often be found in bakeries and near boilers and furnaces. They feed on a variety of carbohydrates and starches that are also protein sources like dog food, flour, and book bindings. They can be found outdoors under rocks, leaf litter, and in similar environments. When they make their way indoors, they become pests. They will not cause major damage, but will contaminate food, damage paper goods, and stain clothing. Other than that, they are mostly harmless. These little critters move like fish and are very fast. This fast and jerky movement are what some people find unsettling.


How to Prevent Firebrats in Your Home

Because firebrats are so similar to silverfish and due to their physiological similarities, this makes the means of controlling them similar. Keep them outside where they belong. This is easier said than done but is possible. Find any entry ways into your home and seal them with caulk or a foam spray. Walk around your home and look for gaps around cables, wires, outlets, faucets, vents, windows and any place they can gain entry. After you have done this, go into the basement and check for openings that were not visible from the outside. Do anything you can so to starve them. This will take dedication as firebrats will eat anything. Be meticulous in cleaning by sweeping, vacuuming and mopping. Store food in tight containers. Dry out your house as much as possible because firebrats love moisture. Begin by putting up some fans and dehumidifiers. Put extra effort into warmer rooms like furnace rooms, attics and bathrooms and ventilate any closed off rooms. Make sure to repair any leaky pipes or dripping faucets. These steps will reduce mold and other fungi that are food sources for firebrats. Try to prevent shelter for them too. Any bit of clutter on the floor is shelter for firebrats. Because they are nocturnal you should also try increasing light, so if there’s no clutter for them to hide under, then it’s harder for them to escape the light, making them unhappy in your home.


Firebrats Pest Control

Firebrats have been pests for a long time which means there are a lot of different pesticides that not only get rid of them but are easy to use. Perimeter treatments along the entire outdoor perimeter and indoor along baseboards are effective. Dusting treatments can last up to 8 months and can be applied under baseboards, inside cracks and crevices, and behind cabinets. There are also aerosol sprays that can be kept on hand for immediate control when sighted on countertops or walls. Aerosols can also be used around window casings and door frames and can last 4 to 8 months.If you’ve seen firebrats in your home and haven’t had success in eliminating them, call Eagle Pest Services today.