

Fall Time Nuisance Bird Cleanup & Prevention

Okay folks, now that fall is here and winter is right around the corner, you may notice that your homes and businesses are free from many of those pests with wings. Many have migrated for the winter, giving you a reprieve from washing pigeon poop off your homes and businesses. But wait, don’t relax yet. This is your golden opportunity to clean the old messes left behind and begin preparations for the inevitable return. Eagle Pest Services will walk you through basic steps to prevent pigeon and other unwanted pests from making your roof their home this coming spring.

Bird Spikes

Lets start with lamp posts and other small but accessible landing sites for pigeons. There are, on today’s market, 360 degree spikes. This is a discrete device that prevents pigeons and other birds from landing on those places. You will find that the 360 degree spikes can be used in a great many places, like lamp posts, chimneys, and overhanging light fixtures.    

Pigeon Spike Strips & Bird Control Wire

There are twos way you can prevent birds from landing on the edges of homes, and buildings. One is spike strips. Spike strips are made of fine wires that point upward. They do not hurt birds at all. The spike strips are like the 360 degree spikes and prevent birds from landing on edges and eaves of homes and buildings. Spike strips come in stainless steel or plastic; both are subtle and are not easily seen from the ground. Another way to prevent birds from landing on ledges, and eves of homes, or building is a bird wire. It is a single wire that lines one end of a ledge to the other. The wire suspends a few inches high and is connected to a small post on each corner of the building or home.    

Bird Netting & Slope Systems & Other Devices

Eaves and in-coves are popular nest and roosting sites for many birds. At the end of the nesting season you will find yourself cleaning mounds of bird poop and abandoned nests. Now that they are gone and you have cleaned away all traces of them, let’s stop them from coming back. Use either bird netting or metal meshing and lines to the openings of the eaves with the material to seal them off. Also on the market today, are bird slopes. This again prevents birds from landing or nesting. You can find many uses for bird slopes and places where you can put them. However they are a little bit more noticeable than some of the other products used to prevent landing or nesting. There are other devices used to scare birds away. Some people will use hawk and owl figures to make small birds feel preyed on. However over time pigeons and other birds grow accustomed to them are no longer deterred by the fake birds of prey.    

Bird Control

Even though the pests that claim the sky have now moved on, they will return. This is the time to make your home or business bird proof. You will find that most bird preventives are used to stop birds from landing or nesting around your home or business. Some pest control companies will also set traps and cages to capture and relocate outdoor pests. However most birds will still find their way back to their preferred nesting sites. If you want to be prepared for the returning migration, we here at Eagle Pest Services will be here to help you. Contact us.