

Why Are There Clover Mites in My House?

Clover mites are considered a nuisance pest that are often found in homes and businesses during the fall and spring months although they can also be seen on sunny days in the winter. Clover mites are small, similar in size to the head of a pin with red to red-brown bodies. When crushed, they will leave behind tiny red spots. Clover mites do not cause damage inside homes and unlike other types of mites they do not seek a blood meal from either humans or animals. The mite’s primary food source is the sap from grass but they will also feed on different types of plants. During the cooler weather, Clover mites can often be seen in large numbers on windows, tree trunks and a variety of other surfaces in search of a safe place to hide. Often times they will crawl into gaps around foundation walls, under siding, roofing, or gaps around windows. Homeowners often find them on window sills and walls located on the sunny side of their property in large numbers. Although extremely cold weather slows down mite activity, it will resume as soon as the weather begins to warm up. Once active, the mites will begin their journey to return to the lawns where they will begin to feed again.


Tips to Control Clover Mite Infestations in Your Home

If you find a small number of clover mites you can wipe the mites with a damp cloth or use a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment to avoid crushing them. On the other hand if your home becomes the victim of a severe infestation, contact the professionals at Eagle Pest Services to schedule an inspection. Your pest control expert will prepare a plan using effective chemical control measures to reduce the clover mite population and prevent them from returning. Your Eagle Pest Control specialist will also recommend a list of preventative measures to help improve your success rate including:
• Removing weeds and grass from around the foundation and leaving at least two feet of soil will prevent the mites from gaining access to any cracks in your foundation. It is unlikely that the Clover mites will move through bare soil to breach your home exteriors as the loose soil does not have any of the nutrients contained in grass that clover mites crave. Using pea gravel will also impede mites from moving into any structures.
• Seal any cracks, crevices or gaps around windows, doors and foundations to discourage clover mites from entering your property.
• Use window screens that are tight fitting and free of any tears.
• Use fertilizer sparingly to ensure that you do not over fertilize grass and plants. Clover mites are particularly attracted to lawns that have been well fertilized.
If you find a large number of clover mites are entering your home, your Eagle Pest Control specialist may recommend treating the foundation of your home with a specialized treatment plan.


Professional Pest Control Services

To learn more about residential pest control services including our Home Health Service for your home, contact the knowledgeable experts at Eagle Pest Services today.