

top bed bug hiding places

Bed bugs are small, relatively common insects found commonly in homes. They feed on human blood, usually at night, and they can cause itchy bites that range in severity. Their bites can result in rashes or itchy blisters and bumps for most people, while other people don’t even notice. Some individuals may find that they are seriously allergic to bed bug bites which can make having these critters around even more dangerous.

Bed bugs are, unfortunately, everywhere in the U.S. For over 15 years now, bed bugs are increasingly spreading throughout most metropolitan cities and have made their way out to the suburbs and other rural areas. For many, finding bedbugs is an embarrassing moment so few people talk about the issue or take the important step of hiring an exterminator - which is one of the reasons bed bugs spread so easily! Bed bugs latch onto clothing or hide in handbags. One visit to a friend who has a hidden infestation and you can find your home infested as well. This is why you must tackle any suspected bed bug infestations immediately. 

Where Do Bed Bugs Hide?

Before trying to find bed bugs, you should first know where they hide. Around the bed, they can be found in the seams and tag of the mattress and box spring and in cracks in the headboard and bed frame. They can also be found near bed piping. 

Bed bugs are also found in:

  • Between couch cushions, in the seams of chairs and couches, and in the folds of curtains
  • Rugs and carpets
  • Luggage
  • Books
  • Drawers and drawer joints
  • Under loose wallpaper and wall hangings
  • Stuffed animals
  • Electrical outlets and other electronics such as gaming consoles, TVs, and alarm clocks
  • Wall moldings, cracks in floorboards, behind peeling or chipped paint

Basically, any dark place near where you sleep or spend time is vulnerable. Bed bugs eat blood, and will gather in areas where they sense a warm body. This can be your bedroom or living room, or anywhere other family members spend time - like your children’s play areas, pet beds, or dining room. Pests like roaches and mice eat food and prefer to hide away in the most desolate parts of the house, where there’s less human activity. Bed bugs are the complete opposite. They like to be where you are.

We should also mention that there’s nothing making a person more or less susceptible to bed bugs. It’s not a sign of having a dirty home at all - in fact, bed bugs prefer clean places - and there’s no reason to be flustered or feel like you have to hide this issue. Eagle Pest Services can help!

Are Bed Bugs Difficult to Eradicate?

Yes, bed bug infestations are difficult to remove on your own. Bed bugs can survive temperatures as low as 46°F, and will still survive at 113°F. So if you thought washing your clothes and linens is enough, think again! Bed bugs survive washing machines unless you particularly select a hot enough temperature. Their eggs are tiny and also difficult to kill. Store-bought insecticides are not usually enough to remove a colony. Even if you can abate most of the colony, it’s likely they’ll come back within a few months - it takes just one surviving bug! 

The best thing you can do is call in a professional exterminator. They know where to look and will make sure bed bugs are gone from every area. At Eagle Pest Services, we have had years of experience removing bed bugs from homes. Call us at 888-616-8739 to schedule a free inspection today! Our insecticides are pet and family-friendly, so you can sleep easy - without worrying about the bed bug bites.