Black Roof Rats & Brown Norway Rats in Chantilly, VA; Signs, Prevention & Control of Rodent Infestations
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Brown Norway & Black Roof Rats
Rats are various medium-sized, long-tailed rodents. They are typically distinguished from mice by their size. The best known rat species are the black rat and the brown rat. Rats are commonly found living around people. They can be very destructive to homes as they often make their nests in and around people’s homes and office buildings. It’s not uncommon for a home to have had a rat infestation for many weeks or months before anyone inside notices. Once inside, rats will remain in place and multiply with adequate food, water and shelter.
Dangers & Health Risks of Living with Mice Infestations in Your Culpeper, VA Home!
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House Mice Facts
Mice are small rodents, typically gray or brown with a pointy snout, small rounded ears, a body-length scaly tail and a high breeding rate. The common house mouse is the most well known species to infest homes looking for food and shelter. The house mouse is considered one of the most troublesome pests in the United States as they can thrive in a variety of conditions. Adult mice weigh about a ½ ounce and are 5 ½ to 7 ½ inches long, including a 3 to 4 inch tail. Mice are nocturnal and have poor eyesight. However, they have a keen sense of hearing and rely especially on their sense of smell to locate food and avoid predators. They are excellent climbers and build burrows for homes and to reproduce. A female mouse can give birth when they are only two months old, and they are able to have up to a dozen babies every three weeks. This means she could have as many as 150 offspring in a single year! Signs to look for if you suspect an infestation are droppings, fresh gnawing and tracks indicate areas where mice are active. They also have a characteristic musky odor and you will occasionally see them during the daytime.
Commercial Pest Control in Manassas, VA; Protect Employees & Customers from Harmful Pests
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Commercial Pest Control Benefit All Businesses
Eagle Pest Services specializes in commercial pest control; keeping insects, rodents and other pests away from your business. Pests can cause many different obstacles for business owners. Insects, rodents and other pests can drive away customers, permanently damage your building, destroy equipment, jeopardize merchandise and leave your reputation as an upstanding business in the dark. Our pest control services specialize in dealing with pests in commercial spaces. Our technicians are familiar with where pests hide out and how to eliminate them form your building. Eagle Pest Services is your number one choice for professional, proven and effective commercial pest control services!
Preventing & Keeping Flies Away from Your Warrenton VA House, Patio & Yard
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Eagle Pest Services are Experts at Keeping Flies Away from Your Home
There is nothing quite as annoying as a buzzing fly around your house that you cannot seem to get rid of. What makes it even more annoying is when it is accompanied by more flies. Spring time is prime time for flies to begin occupying your yard and gain access into your home. Not only is the presence of flies extremely irritating, but flies are also responsible for transmitting diseases and contaminating food. House flies are capable of contaminating food and transmitting diseases like malaria, salmonella and tuberculosis. Eagle Pest Services will remove flies from your home and protect you and your family from these harmful pathogens. Eagle Pest technicians specialize in knowing exactly how to keep flies away from your home for good.